Welcome to Neff Inspiration, a show dedicated to revolutionizing your health through the lens of functional medicine. Hosted by a functional medicine practitioner, this platform delves into the science of healing from the inside out. Whether you’re seeking solutions for mental health, trauma recovery, or overcoming addiction, I provide actionable tools and expert insights to help you transform your life. With a focus on root-cause medicine, sustainable wellness strategies, and personal growth, I aim to inspire you to become the best version of yourself. Join me in redefining health, one powerful conversation at a time.

Tuesday Apr 11, 2023
351 Nico Lagan: Be a man - How To Find Your Purpose, Your Balls & Take Action
Tuesday Apr 11, 2023
Tuesday Apr 11, 2023
Nico Lagan is an entrepreneur, men’s coach, Muay Thai instructor and host of the controversial podcast: The Nico Lagan Show. After spending more than 10 years in corporate sales, he decided to leave it all behind and follow his personal legend.
Nico grew up without the guidance of a strong masculine figure. It sent him on the search of a mentor. Not knowing what he was looking, he associated with and idolized the wrong men. His decisions has a teen to quit school and sale drugs lead him on the wrong path.
Nico uses his life experience as a high school dropout and former drug addict to show men that with the proper mindset everything is possible. His life purpose is to help young men become good men and good men become great men by following the path of their personal legends.
Nico just finished writing his first book entitled “Purpose: How following your personal legend is the answer to your midlife crisis.”. Aimed at men between the ages of 30 to 45 who already possess The 5 Virtues of a good man. Provider, protector, courage, temperance and faith. Now facing an existential crisis referred to by many as the midlife crisis, these men are realizing that they are one day going to die. Begging the question, is there something more than the daily grind? This book explains what this is all about and how the solution is to find purpose. Purpose is the antidote! Stay tuned for the official release.
Wasting no time, Nico has already started writing his second book "The 5 Virtues of a good man”. Aimed at men between the ages of 18 and 30, struggling with what it means to be a good man in a world where society wants us to believe that there is no difference between men and women. Most young men today are eternal teenagers that are in for a rude awakening as they come face to face with their 30s. Realizing that there must be more to life than partying, playing video games, chasing after their next sexual conquest and masturbating. This book is still being written but will be released soon!

Friday Apr 07, 2023
Friday Apr 07, 2023
In Hannah's words:
"I would love to talk about how much happiness opened up for me once I allowed myself to live a sober life, and the troubles I overcame in the process, with the hopes of inspiring someone else to know they can do it too. Let's talk about how I got out of the sex industry and quit my addictions hand in hand, and why I wouldn't have been able to do one without the other."
Hannah Spanke is a Relationship & Life Coach, Board Certified Clinical Sexologist, and Licensed Authentic Tantra Practitioner who overcame a decade long addiction to alcohol, cigarettes and cannabis. Hannah now helps people heal from their darkest childhood traumas in order to achieve the happiness within themselves and their relationships that everyone really wants deep down. After nearly a decade in the adult entertainment industry, followed by years of study and personal healing, Hannah has a unique perspective on how to move forward and turn your pain into your power.

Tuesday Apr 04, 2023
Tuesday Apr 04, 2023
David served in the Health Department as a mental health clinician in the adult, child & adolescent divisions for many years. David still completes at least 50 hours of professional development every year to maintain his professional registration. David was instrumental in developing the Self Awareness Method® of coaching excellence and his cross-cultural experience with critical incidents, anxiety, stress, grief, family dynamics, marriage, professional relationships and communication has allowed him to develop an effective array of approaches; some of which are unique to Milan. David is committed to strategies that work and looks forward to helping you achieve greater understanding, connection, happiness and wellbeing in your life.

Friday Mar 31, 2023

Tuesday Mar 28, 2023
347 Author Spotlight Depression Lied To Me : Taimi Allen
Tuesday Mar 28, 2023
Tuesday Mar 28, 2023
Taimi Allan is CEO of Changing Minds, a Charitable NGO governed and operated by people with lived experience of mental distress and addiction. As someone who identifies as having thrived because of, not despite, her own Lived Experience, Taimi champions Lived Experience Leadership and is known for leading with humility and compassion. Amongst other innovative programmes, Taimi envisioned Whakatau Mai, the world’s first peer-supported holistic, online and fully accessible wellbeing sessions, Rākau Roroa, New Zealand’s lived experience leadership initiative, and recoVRy, a Virtual Reality platform that allows the viewer to walk in the shoes of someone experiencing distress.
Taimi works on mental health system transformation via various strategic governance positions including the Permanent Mental Health and Wellbeing Commission and the Suicide Mortality Review Committee. Featured in M2 Woman Magazine as a global thought-leader, she was awarded a New Zealander of the year Local Hero Medal in 2021.
Taimi’s history in film, theatre and television, means she often uses the arts as a safe vehicle to help audiences understand and see value in challenging experiences. Her creative work includes the world’s first International Mental Health Arts Festival ‘The Big reTHiNK’ as featured in MiNDFOOD Magazine and collaborating on and the annual Atawhai festival.
Learn more about Taimi: https://nz.linkedin.com/in/taimi-allan

Friday Mar 24, 2023
346 Clarissa Kristjansson: Why You Are Not Going Mad In Menopause!
Friday Mar 24, 2023
Friday Mar 24, 2023
Clarissa Kristjansson PhD is an internationally recognized menopause educator, certified mindfulness teacher and Chinese Medicine practitioner focused on the positive and transformative nature of menopause.
A neuroscientist and former corporate highflyer, Clarissa has 28 years of experience leading insight into behavioural change. Her perimenopause experience set her on a different path to empower women through this transformational life stage.
Helping women to reexamine their beliefs and behaviours and shifting the collective mindset to seeing this menopause as an opportunity for reinvention and revitalization.
She is the host of the popular Thriving Thru Menopause podcast, the author of the bestseller The Mindful Menopause and the creator of the Thriving Through Menopause program.
3 top tips
1. Why menopause is a vulnerable time for women's mental health
2. What to do if menopausal anxiety is impacting your work and relationships
3. Can we turn our anxiety into a gift rather than a curse?

Tuesday Mar 21, 2023
345 Author Hotseat Depression Lied To Me : Gloria Masters
Tuesday Mar 21, 2023
Tuesday Mar 21, 2023
Gloria Masters is an author, speaker, and advocate and activist for all things child sexual abuse (CSA). She has turned her 16 years of lived experience (and decades of healing) into a passion for giving back and highlighting the issue of #CSA by sharing her story so that other survivors feel seen and validated in their own experiences.
Gloria has previously shared her story in service of helping others, including in her book On Angels’ Wings—My Flight from Trauma to Grace. She is currently writing her second book, Flightpath to Healing, which is a guide for survivors, and continues blogging regularly on her website, www.gloriamasters.com.
Dedicated to supporting fellow survivors in their healing from child sexual abuse, Gloria has created the podcast Handing the Shame Back as a safe space for other survivors to share
their stories. She interviews fellow survivors because she deeply believes in the power of truth as a pathway to healing and freedom.
Her focus is on hope, love and joy, and she follows her Angels wherever they lead her.
Learn more about Gloria:
Podcast: https://handingtheshameback.buzzsprout.com
YouTube channel: Handing the Shame Back
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/gloriamasters16handingtheshameback16nonprofit
Twitter: https://twitter.com/HandinShameBack
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/HandingtheShameBack
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@handingtheshameback

Friday Mar 17, 2023
Friday Mar 17, 2023
Lynne Bowman is 76 and still going strong! Lynne has been featured at women's expos throughout the country, teaming with actress Deidre Hall to write and publish Deidre Hall's Kitchen Closeup (2010) and Deidre Hall's How Does She Do It? (2012). In previous lives, she won national awards as a creative director for Silicon Valley companies, was Creative Director at E&J Gallo Winery, Advertising Manager at RedKen Laboratories, and freelanced for agencies in San Jose, Los Angeles, and New York. She has also worked as an actress, makeup artist, screenwriter, illustrator, legal journalist and television Weather Person. Lynne has three grown children, two absolutely perfect grandchildren, and is president of The Pescadero Foundation. She and her husband have a small farm on the coast of Northern California.
Brownies for Breakfast is a cookbook you’ll actually enjoy reading and using. Frank, complete, simple: favourite sweets and comfort foods, reimagined as whole food, plant-based, sugar-free, low-carb, dairy-free, gluten-free classics. Beautiful graphics and photos, nutrition facts for every recipe, plus a great, fun read: one of the best cookbooks you’ll have on your shelves whether you’re diabetic, pre-diabetic, or just hoping to live long and prosper. Everything you need to know about sugar substitutes, dairy-free baking, no-carb thickeners, gluten-free options, plant-based protein, sleep, stress, shopping, and equipping your kitchen, all in straightforward, no-bs language.
Email: lynne@LynneBowman.com
Facebook: Lynne Parmiter Bowman
YouTube: Lynne Bowman
Instagram: LynneParmiterBowman
Website: LynneBowman.com

Tuesday Mar 14, 2023
343 Author Spotlight Depression Lied To Me : Nefertiti San Miguel
Tuesday Mar 14, 2023
Tuesday Mar 14, 2023
Nefertiti San Miguel is the embodiment of passion, a vivid advocate for the arts, neuroscience and mental health. As an international mixed-media artist, Ikebanist, performer, speaker, entrepreneur, published author and trailblazer, she raises eyebrows across numerous industries.
With a reputation for rocking her eclectic style, Nefertiti is the founder of Etnia Fusion, a Boston-based boutique enterprise dedicated to promoting and cultivating multiculturalism through educational programs, functional/wearable art, and dance. She’s been featured on radio and television programs, web series, YouTube Channels, newspapers and magazines across the nation, and in recent years, has been garnering attention abroad through podcasts from New Zealand, Canada and Australia.
Since 2021, Nefertiti has been sharing her talents with AmorUmbrella, a Veterans Organization serving military women. Her current endeavours include: teaching her method of art installations NM3 (Narrative Multi-Sensory Mixed Media ) as therapeutic activity for stress management and 3D Vision Board for life achievers. She welcomes new connections and invites readers to email her.
Learn more about Nefertiti: www.etniafusion.com

Friday Mar 10, 2023
Friday Mar 10, 2023
Amy is a Herbalist, Energy Medicine Educator, Trauma-Informed Empowering Breathwork Facilitator.
Amy’s mission is to educate and empower others suffering from physical, mental or emotional health issues to learn to reconnect with the innate intelligence of our bodies along with Mother Nature. She believes we can be our best healers when we can quiet the internal and external noise to hear the body's messages for healing. Reminding ourselves that we get to choose what is best for us. Her approach is a mind-body-spirit one which uses the “power of the plants”, energy medicine techniques and breathwork to assist in reconnecting you back to your body.
3 top tips for my audience:
1. Get back into your body either through breathwork, yoga, tai chi or other mindful movements
2. Get outside everyday-to remind yourself that there is something bigger than you that exists
3. Healing is not linear and can not be done alone
Social media and contact info.
Amy the Amateur Herbalist on FB and YouTube. https://www.mindbodyspiritbreath.com/