Welcome! Neff Inspiration is the new name for Steps To Sobriety. I am an Anaesthetist, Bestselling Author, Speaker, Show Host and an Alcoholic in recovery. I interview guests that have gone through hell and kept going. I talk to people who have had extraordinary experiences and learn from their lessons. I talk to ordinary people whose perseverance made them superheroes. This show demystifies mental health problems with the help of transparency, authenticity, humility and self-love. My guests and I explore ways how to deal with the daily challenges that life throws at us. Let’s find answers on how to live a life that is so beautiful that yesterday becomes jealous of today!
Saturday Jan 01, 2022
Saturday Jan 01, 2022
From the Basement to the Light to leading a movement, Monk Coleman has made it his life's work to change the face of what it means to live a life of love, compassion and spiritual awakening.
Healing from alcoholism, poverty and dysfunctional relationships, Monk Coleman turned his life around with one simple decision. He was sick and tired of being sick and tired. Releasing the grip drugs and alcohol had on his mind, body and soul, Monk has been clean and sober for over 13 years.
Channeling his energy into a spiritual awakening including discovering the power of love, compassion, and transformation, through a deep meditative practice.
Monk is the author of Love Over Fear- A Guide to Peace and Purpose.
Monk's message is clear… It’s Never Too Late to Rewrite Your Life Story.
3 top tips for my audience:
1. Stay present
2. Never give up
3. Love yourself
IG monk_eternal, fb @monketernal, em monk@monketernal.com, www.monketernal.com
#monk #loveoverfear #oneness #onelove #meditation #transformation
Tuesday Dec 28, 2021
Tuesday Dec 28, 2021
Tim is a survivor of sexual violence turned educator and advocate on this topic. At the age of 22, Tim faced an incident of sexual assault. On top of this, Tim had to manage the stresses of workplace sexual harassment from his boss.
Coming to terms with his experience, Tim recognized how it left him feeling powerless. He vowed no one should ever feel the same way.
For the last nine years, Tim has spoken with over 400 organizations, including Congressional offices, top universities, and Fortune 1000 companies worldwide. His speaking covers creating safe cultures and sexual violence/harassment prevention.
3 top tips for my audience:
1. Preventing sexaul violence and harassment comes down to stopping both egregious behaviors but also being away of our own biases, values, and beliefs that either normalize or minimize sexual violence/harassment in all forms.
2. The first reaction that a survivor receives intimately matters. It is important to treat survivors with compassion, nonjudgement, and to be careful of the questions we ask them.
3. Everyone’s personal boundaries are valid. When communicating boundaries, never feel afraid or ashamed to share these and recognize that your boundaries are always valid, no context needed. You don’t have to explain your boundaries to others.
LinkedIn- https://www.linkedin.com/in/tim-mousseau/
IG- https://www.instagram.com/tim_mousseau/
Stephan Neff
Monday Dec 27, 2021
Monday Dec 27, 2021
NJ Lechnir is author of Leapfrogging Success: 5 Simple Steps to Powerful Presentations and Public Speaking for Nerds, Techies and Introverts. Having struggled with depression, anxiety and suicidal thoughts, and having intense anxiety with public speaking, he decided to break out of his shell and change his life. Working as a successful Learning and Development professional, he is also founder of a revolutionary platform called The LEAPS Method, a 5 step framework that he developed and teaches in learning courses, workshops, books, articles, videos, and coaching to help anxious analytical introverts become powerful speakers and presenters.
In NJ's words:
"I help and teach anxious analytical introverts to become powerful speakers and presenters, improve communication skills, and develop confidence, as well as personal and professional growth. I am also in a lifelong process of healing from trauma, associated with growing up around an alcoholic father. As a result, I’ve always struggled with anxiety, depression, and suicidal thoughts. Speaking about my experiences in public and letting others like me know they are not alone is helping me heal."
3 top tips for my audience:
1. You don’t have to be a perfect speaker to deliver an important message. Strive for excellence with your own style, not perfection. All speeches are a performance at the basic level. Learn to have fun with it.
2. Understanding your own personality is critical to delivering a speech topic in your own style with the most effective outcome. Extraverts don’t necessarily make great speakers, and introverts are often underestimated on how powerful they really are.
3. A lifetime of struggle with anxiety, depression, and suicidal thoughts are no fun, but there is help, and you can develop a productive, confident, fulfilling and beautiful life on your own terms.
Buy Me a Coffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/njlechnir
Website: https://leapfroggingsuccess.com
Courses: https://leapfroggingsuccessacademy.thinkific.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/leapfroggingsuccess
Twitter: https://twitter.com/leapfrgsuccess
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/leapfroggingsuccess
Amazon: https://amzn.to/2sVoilI
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/njlech/presentations-and-public-speaking
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/leapfroggingsuccess
Medium: https://medium.com/@njlechnir
Thank you for watching. Have a look at
www.mystepstosobriety.com for other projects and look after yourself!
Monday Dec 27, 2021
Monday Dec 27, 2021
Dr. Michelle Crouse is a Doctor of Physical Therapy with 13 years of clinical experience who has transitioned into a remote holistic practice working with people who struggle with stress, overwhelm or anxiety by teaching them brain-based focused techniques to calm their body and mind down based on their personal energetic chart
3 top tips for my audience:
1. Brain-based techniques- the nervous system is the fastest system in the body let’s use it to our advantage!
2. Breathwork and lymphatic drainage- the big 2 underused body techniques
3. Human Design- what is your personal energetic chart. How are you meant to use your energy with the most ease and flow
@iamdrmichellecrouse on IG
#anxietytools #anxietytips #anxietyrelief #feelingstuck #feelinganxious #overwhelmed #racingthoughts #anxietylife #anxietyissues #fatigued #scatterbrain #cantconcentrate #cantfocus #frequencyhealing #emotionalhealth #emotionalregulation #emotionalintelligence #humandesignchart #humandesigngenerator #humandesignmanifestinggenerator #humandesignprojector
Subscribe to my channel, check out mystepstosobriety.com and tell your friends about my mission to make this world a little bit better, one interview at a time!
Thursday Dec 16, 2021
215 Tricia Parido - Changing the way a Recovery Journey is Perceived and Experienced
Thursday Dec 16, 2021
Thursday Dec 16, 2021
Tricia Parido is a Recovery Lifestyle Enthusiast, Speaker, and Published Writer. She is a Nationally Certified Life Coach, an International Master Addictions Specialist, and a Professional Life Interventionist with a Psych Degree in Process Behavioral and Chemical Addiction who loves to help change lives!
Specializing in life transitions and post-treatment journeys, Parido is committed to serving her clients worldwide find the emotional intelligence they need to conquer their life challenges.
As an active business owner of a thriving coaching practice, Turning Leaves® Recovery, Life, and Wellness Coaching, seated in evidence-based practices, she teaches her clients how to live the life they desire and “live free”.
3 top tips for my audience:
1. This is your life too! It gets to look feel be however you want it to so learn how to truly get to know YOU!
2. Stop relying on ANYTHING outside of you to bring you peace comfort joy relief value validity and worthiness!
3. There are many avenues for recovery ~ learn how to ADD, EDIT, DELETE and make it your own! Don’t try to put yourself in someone else's box, learn to incorporate what is effective for YOU into your life and leave the rest.
Subscribe to my channel, check out www.mystepstosobriety.com and tell your friends about my mission to make this world a little bit better, one interview at a time!
Wednesday Dec 08, 2021
2021-12-8 Dealing With Rejection
Wednesday Dec 08, 2021
Wednesday Dec 08, 2021
Rejection is a constant part of life. That does not mean that it does not hurt when you are on the receiving end. Anger, sadness and resentment are normal responses for me. From now and then I even have a pity-party. But I realize that we are talking about waves of neurochemicals that wash over my brain. And the good thing about feelings is - they don't last.
So, don't give up and find a new way forward!
Look after yourself!
Tuesday Dec 07, 2021
Tuesday Dec 07, 2021
Gina Rolkowski is thriver of childhood sexual abuse and trauma with 18 years in recovery. She has overcome years of drug addiction, a seizure disorder, suicide and complex trauma and draws on her resilience to help other childhood trauma and sexual abuse survivors overcome abuse and discover joy in her Bridge to Breakthroughs coaching program. She attributes her story of overcoming to her close relationship with God. Gina has one amazing adult daughter and currently lives in Delaware, USA with her husband of 14 years and their two kitties Buddy and Toast.
Drawing on her 18 years in recovery coupled with her years of teaching experience & leading workshops on social emotional learning, Gina helps abuse survivors overcome the life altering impacts of abuse and discover hope and joy by teaching them how to nurture a relationship with God and themselves. Gina helps her clients feel safe, seen and supported while teaching them how to overcome shame, fear and anxiety and build a peaceful, playful and purposeful life using the 5 Keys on her Bridge to Breakthroughs program.
Gina is a wife, mother of one grown daughter and passionate about serving others and the power of God's unconditional love.
3 top tips for my audience:
1. Get trauma informed help to deal with the why behind the addiction-recovery is about post-traumatic growth not just sobriety.
2. Build a personal relationship with God.
3. Learn how to manage your feelings by getting back in your body-it keeps the score.
Instagram: @GinaRolkowski
Pinterest: @GinaRolkowski
LinkedIn: Gina Rolkowski
Website: https://www.ginarolkowski.com
Email: gina@ginarolkowski.com
Wait, there is more!!! Have a look at
to see which other books and projects I am involved in!
And follow me on Instagram, Podcast, Facebook and Linkedin!
Thursday Dec 02, 2021
214 Victor Briere - Ayurveda and Addiction
Thursday Dec 02, 2021
Thursday Dec 02, 2021
Victor Briere, A.D., is a co-founder of the International Institute of Ayurveda, where he serves as a NAMA-recognized Ayurvedic Doctor and Kundalini Yoga Teacher. Victor is a gifted pulse reader specializing in ayurvedic diagnostic techniques and health counselling. He is the author of Pulse Unveiled. He is the primary clinician and the Chief Academic Officer of the Academy.
In this interview, we are focusing on learning about the physiological drivers of addiction from the perspective of the Autonomic Nervous System and the vagus nerve, and see how Ayurveda helps resolve these adaptations.
3 top tips for my audience:
1. Pranayama (Breathing)
2. Attitude of retraining the nervous system as opposed to self-criticism about previously formed habits based on prior trauma
3. Connection with a wholesome company
Subscribe to my channel, check out mystepstosobriety.com and tell your friends about my mission to make this world a little bit better, one interview at a time!
Thursday Dec 02, 2021
Thursday Dec 02, 2021
She is a Licensed Mental Health Counselor, Transformation Life Coach, Speaker, Writer, Podcast Host of Traumatic Transformations and a Certified Breathwork Coach in training. She has been successfully running her private practice called GPatelCounseling in San Diego California and Florida for over a decade now, specializing in Depression, Anxiety, PTSD (trauma), Addictions, Grief & Loss. She is also a mom to a 3-year-old hyper-energetic but a very lovely boy. Her newfound vision in life is to see a world where we consciously heal, create and awaken to our purpose, and live a life that’s harmonious and aligned with our truth.
In Gunjani's words:
"In this human experience we are here to experience growth, either we passively stay victim to our circumstances or consciously create a life that comes from a place of healing, to lead a more awakened present. To master our emotions so we can control them instead of them controlling us, and be more spiritually attuned and guided to lead a heart-centred life. When we go inward and change ourselves, things around us tend to change."
3 top tips for my audience:
1. Heal and live intentionally instead of unconsciously living from your self-limiting beliefs that are not in alignment with who you are.
2. Instead of comparing yourself to others, yearn to be 1% better than you were yesterday.
3. Go deeper within yourself to expand, all the answers you need are within you once you learn to get out of your own way.
Follow her on Facebook & IG - @gpatelcounseling, Join her FB community - Traumatic Transformation- Emotionally intelligent and conscious living. Join her Pregnant & New Mothers Mental Wellness Support Group on Facebook or Pregnant_Newmom_Tribe, Subscribe to her podcast - Traumatic Transformations with Gunjani Patel.
Subscribe to my channel, check out www.mystepstosobriety.com and tell your friends about my mission to make this world a little bit better, one interview at a time!
Thursday Dec 02, 2021
Thursday Dec 02, 2021
Chelle is passionate about creating opportunities in everything she does. That’s why when a sugar problem/addiction presented itself in her life and those around her, she found a solution. Because she also hates food waste, she started experimenting with imperfect dates about to be thrown away to create date sugar. Turns out, replacing processed sugars can impact one's physical and mental health significantly! Chelle and her family now live in the Sahara desert of North Africa where she started a business making date sugar in the community where the dates are grown. They provide above average wage jobs with benefits for women while bringing the sweet taste of PurDate sugar to the world!
Everyone knows that white processed sugar can cause a myriad of health problems including diabetes, heart disease, cancer, and, most notably, obesity. For the first time in history, people are wisely taking preventative measures to improve their health by avoiding sugar or finding healthy sugar substitutes. However, choosing a healthy sugar substitute to white processed sugar can be a grueling task. Chelle is here to help you understand the difference between the many sugar options so that you can make healthier choices for radical life change that will leave you feeling your best!
3 top tips for my audience:
- We don’t have to become obsessed with food or make it the ultimate controlling thing in life. It’s about making healthy choices daily for a holistic healthy life. When it comes to sugar, you can actually enjoy sweets, guilt free, with PurDate sugar!
- When choosing food products ignore the labels on the front (these tell lies!) and go straight to the ingredients. If the first three ingredients are whole foods (not refined!) and not more than three lines long, it is probably safe to eat.
- Read my blog on healthy sugar substitutes and dangers of zero calorie sweeteners and start baking some of my recipes at www.purdate.com!
@purdatesugar - purdate@gmail.com - www.purdate.com
#sustainablefood #naturalfood #healthydessert #healthysweets #realfood #veganrecipes #vegansweets #veganism #paleodiet #glutenfree #veganbaking #cleanliving #naturalliving #fairtrade #sustainablefarming #healthysnacks #noaddedsugar #upcyclefood #wholefoods #sugarsubstitute #healthycooking #sugarfreelife #foodformentalhealth #makinghealthyfoodchoices #healthysugar #sweetenedwithdates #norefinedsugar #energyfood #fallbaking #fallrecipes #potassium #magnesium #iron #calcium #fiberfoods #fiber #lowglycemicindex #antioxidants #strongheart #healthygut #nosugarcrash
Subscribe to my channel, check out mystepstosobriety.com and tell your friends about my mission to make this world a little bit better, one interview at a time!