Welcome! Neff Inspiration is the new name for Steps To Sobriety. I am an Anaesthetist, Bestselling Author, Speaker, Show Host and an Alcoholic in recovery. I interview guests that have gone through hell and kept going. I talk to people who have had extraordinary experiences and learn from their lessons. I talk to ordinary people whose perseverance made them superheroes. This show demystifies mental health problems with the help of transparency, authenticity, humility and self-love. My guests and I explore ways how to deal with the daily challenges that life throws at us. Let’s find answers on how to live a life that is so beautiful that yesterday becomes jealous of today!
Thursday Dec 02, 2021
212 Jan Canti - The Hidden Realities of Homicide’s Aftermath
Thursday Dec 02, 2021
Thursday Dec 02, 2021
A native Detroiter, Dr. Canty, is a psychologist, writer, photographer, educator, consultant and cancer survivor. She holds a terminal degree in psychology as well as a post-doctoral fellowship from the Wayne State University School of Medicine. Then life happened. And grew dark. Her husband of 11 years went missing and was found murdered two weeks later. After the dismemberment of her husband in 1985, the media frenzy caused her to leave Michigan and start over. She did not speak of her loss for 30 years.
Dr. Canty became an unintentional expert in the field of homicide survivors. Nothing in her background, nothing in the media nor books could have prepared her for the decades-long process she was about to enter.
3 top tips for my audience:
1. Ask yourself what messages pop culture portrays about homicide (in music, TV, movies and merchandise like the “Cereal Killer spoon” and games).
2. As a friend or neighbour learn what you can do to help someone who has lost someone close to them from intentional death
3. Know this is an equal-opportunity club. Homicide reaches the old, young, educated, illiterate, urban, rural, men, women, rich, poor, all races and all walks of life.
Subscribe to my channel, check out mystepstosobriety.com and tell your friends about my mission to make this world a little bit better, one interview at a time!
Tuesday Nov 23, 2021
210 Gloria Battini - How to spot a narcissist
Tuesday Nov 23, 2021
Tuesday Nov 23, 2021
Gloria is a woman on a mission. A mission of healing, empowering and giving a voice to all survivors of emotional abuse, toxic relationships and narcissistic abuse.
Gloria is a certified life coach and a survivor of narcissistic abuse, she specialises in self-love and emotional wellness coaching.
In Gloria's words:
"I was in a toxic and manipulative relationship for nearly 15 years. I went from self-hate and surviving to self-love and emotional freedom, and now I'm here to show you how to heal and break the cycle too.
Today I see the women I work with making life-changing decisions that they wouldn't have dreamed of at the start of their journey. I see them show up for themselves and transform the way they face the world. I see their relationships getting better, I see their kids being inspired by their mums, I see women coming out of their shells and creating a different world for themselves and others.
You might not notice the magnitude of this, but from my seat, looking at all of you together, oh man, we're shaping a different world."
3 top tips for my audience:
1. Putting yourself first isn’t selfish
2. Reflection point: Have you ever questioned your own reality?
3. It’s never too late to make a different decision
IG: @gloriabattini
#narcissisticabuserecovery #narcissisticabusesurvivor #traumabonding #gaslighting #toxicrelationships #narcissisticmothers #innerchildwork #traumahealing #innerwork
Subscribe to my channel, check out mystepstosobriety.com and tell your friends about my mission to make this world a little bit better, one interview at a time!
Tuesday Nov 16, 2021
209 Kip Brooks - the Past Does Not Equal The Future
Tuesday Nov 16, 2021
Tuesday Nov 16, 2021
In Kip's words:
At eight years old, I believed the only hope for my life was suicide. I was on the honor roll throughout elementary school and received the “Student of the Month” award many times so that they stopped considering me for it in order to give other students a chance. I was smart, caring, and hardworking. Always seemed happy and willing to help so no one ever thought for a second that I was praying every night that I wouldn’t wake up the following morning.
By the time I reached middle school, my grades plummeted to Ds and Fs and that was just the beginning. At age 15, I kept a bottle of liquor stashed so I could take shots each night just to go to sleep. By the time I reached 21 years of age, I had been arrested multiple times and been involved in a life of drugs, dealing and doing.
One night as I held a gun to my head, something in me snapped and I became angry. Angry at myself, angry at the world, and angry at my situation. I was angry that I felt that way, that anyone would ever feel that way and I wanted it to stop. I vowed then and there that if there was a way out of that feeling then I was going to find it, and that once I did I would come back to get others and show them the way out too.
It was a long journey because first I had to learn to heal myself and I didn’t know where to go. I started with numerous doctors and psychologists. I spent a few years on a cocktail of medications they prescribed and realized that wasn’t working so I decided to look elsewhere.
I began working with experts in Naturopathy, Nutrition, Fitness, Shamanism, Energy Healing, Soul Healing, Regression, Neuroscience, E.F.T. (Emotional Freedom Therapy), Qigong, Tai Chi, Massage, Chiropractic, Yoga, Hypnotherapy, N.L.P. (Neuro-linguistic Programming), Time Line Therapy, Psycho-Cybernetics, and M.E.R.® (Mental and Emotional Release®), and more.
I was desperate to find a solution and cure so that I could move on with my life and help others do the same. I dove so deep into these healing arts that I picked up several certifications along the path as I began using the best techniques of each to gain more and more healing.
My learnings along this journey of healing myself and my clients along with Marina’s have been combined to create our work through Brooks Empowerment Academy.
The tools that would form B.E.A. have helped me to overcome physical, emotional, and mental abuse, addiction, the loss of a child, divorce and much more. B.E.A. has saved my life and became my life’s purpose. I’ve learned that even when you feel like you’re all alone, living in your own world of solitude, you can still manifest a life of happiness and success as long as the conversations you have with yourself are focused on the goal ahead. Staying focused on that goal is more than possible and downright easy to do once the baggage is released and you understand how to communicate properly within those conversations.
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Saturday Nov 13, 2021
Saturday Nov 13, 2021
In Lindsay's words:
I have my own personal experience with the supernatural, an awesome spiritual awakening, ETs, angels and NDEs but when I listen to many other stories I feel like people leave out a big part of the story and that is, that their life was in hell before their experience. People are ashamed to talk about trauma, mental illness or addiction due to being ridiculed. Also, people are scared to talk about their spiritual awakenings or supernatural experiences when there is addiction involved. I believe that we don't need to be ashamed of where we have been or what has been done to us. It is about how we recover from these events.. We don't need to live in the shadows and act that this stuff doesn't exist or if someone has an experience that is incredible that we downplay their story if they mention mental health, addiction or trauma. In any sort of recovery whether is be from PTSD, mental illness, abuse, addiction etc. You will find that all have the same outcome: a spiritual awakening.. When we live in the darkness it is the light that leads us back home.
I am a survivor of a long list of traumas. I was molested at age six along with other children and had to watch this man get convicted. This led me on a path of addiction, loss of self, domestic violence. I was raped at 18 and gang rape at 33. When I was in the army in 2011 my molester from childhood got out of prison and went on to molest other children again and we were told we might have to testify again as adults.. I have had to testify on stand against my perpetrator for the rape in which he received a life sentence. I was told by different doctors that I had bipolar disorder, manic depression, borderline personality, PTSD, and social anxiety just to name a few. I have struggled with self mutilation, suicidal ideation and guilt and shame for most of my life. I went to college, got a bachelor's degree, joined the Army but still lost my career because of addiction. I have been incarcerated as an adult where all my flaws were seen. I was humiliated, flooded by shame, guilt and no self love. I searched for that missing piece in me by drugs, people pleasing and unhealthy relationships. When the worst was over and I hit rock bottom and tried to take my life the first time I had the most beautiful experience a spiritual awakening and encounters with the supernatural. I knew the healing was beginning. In jan 2021 I had a NDE in which I did go to another place and that I had to come back. I believe my purpose is to tell my story to bring hope to the ones who feel hopeless, unloved, broken, ashamed, disconnected or alone know that they too can shine bright after the darkness.
3 top tips for my audience:
1. Your past if not who you are it's just an experience
2. You need to break patterns of self sabotage
3. You need to wake up
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Thursday Nov 11, 2021
Thursday Nov 11, 2021
This interview was a true honor for me. LEST WE FORGET!
Rena Quint was born as Freida "Freidel" Lichtenstein in December 1935 in the city of Piotrkow Tribunalski, Poland. In 1939, when Rena was three years old, the Nazis invaded and occupied her hometown. In October 1942, her mother and her two older brothers were deported to the extermination camp of Treblinka where they were murdered. Rena, who was not yet seven years old, was deported with her father to a concentration camp, where she pretended to be a boy in order to survive. When Rena's father was murdered, she was left alone in the camp. She was finally sent to Bergen Belsen concentration camp. In the various camps she was interned she was adopted by different women, but they all died. At the end of the war, Rena went to Sweden, where she was adopted by a Holocaust survivor who passed away a few months later. In 1946, Rena emigrated to the United States with an adoptive mother, also a Holocaust survivor, who after three months also passed away as a result of her poor physical condition. Rena was then adopted by a Jewish couple who didn't have children. Rena earned her bachelor's and master's degrees in education and worked as a teacher in schools and, as a lecturer at Adelphi University in New York and at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem. In 1984, Rena and her husband emigrated to Israel with their four children who were already married. Rena has been volunteering for more than 30 years at Yad Vashem where she meets with groups from around the world.
Thursday Oct 28, 2021
207 Nicole Kleemann - When I stopped believing the bullshit I got ready to roar
Thursday Oct 28, 2021
Thursday Oct 28, 2021
For 13 years Nicole lived the dream, leading teams around the world for a multinational Tech company. Until one day she woke up burned out. And if that wouldn’t be enough, let’s throw a herniated disk on top of it, so she was not only rendered aimless, but motionless and somewhat speechless.
She had to relearn to say YES TO HERSELF first. And creativity and movement taught her how to do that: How to connect with herself and others. How to let go of attachment, old beliefs and stories, and open her heart to new possibilities, without shame or guilt.
Nicole is on a mission to support women to know and trust their head, heart, and body to transform limiting beliefs and create choices that will bring their lives and careers to new heights.
Her international experience managing diverse teams at Google, along with her innate understanding of human behavior and motivation, has made her a sought-after manager and coach throughout her career.
She is the creator and teacher of corporate and public workshops: The Wisdom of Saying No / Yes - Honor Yourself First, Wellbeing@Work, Emotional Wellbeing in Uncertain Times, Uniquely You.
3 top tips for my audience:
1. PAUSE: Breathe - Create Space (Time and Distance) - Respond
2. Trust your head, heart and body as your best guide and source of wisdom
3. There are no negative emotions, just emotions. And they are all valid and important.
More about burnout: www.nicolekleemann.com/burnout
LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/nicole-kleemann/
Instagram: @nicole.kleemann www.instagram.com/nicole.kleemann/
Depending on when the show airs, it would be great to include my next group coaching program: YES - Honor Yourself First (starts Nov 2nd) (it’s the non-corporate, public version of The Wisdom of Saying No): www.eventbrite.com/e/yes-honor-yourself-first-tickets-153550665173
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Tuesday Oct 26, 2021
206 Peter Burkin - From Mental Institutions to Bully Proof Expert and Healer
Tuesday Oct 26, 2021
Tuesday Oct 26, 2021
His name is Peter Burkin. He is a Dad, teacher, life coach and consultant. He created a blueprint to help Bully Proof schools and communities. As a Bully Proof Expert, his intent is to help eradicate bullying, enhance self esteem, manage anger, increase financial literacy, etc. He believes if we have healthy city public schools, the planet will heal!
He was traumatized by bullying and overcame four suicide attempts. Story can heal.
He is happy to provide tips to know with regard to Mental Health and Bully Proofing. He wrote a book called Bully Proofing: 234 Solutions to the Problems.
3 top tips for my audience:
1. Find your purpose and passions with clarity
2. Setting healthy boundaries is the key to any relationship
3. Improve city schools to help bring peace on Earth
4. Love yourself first and the rest will fall into place, it’s a law.
Email at pburkin@gmail.com
My landing page is www.messagetobillions.com
You can also find him on Facebook:
Saturday Oct 23, 2021
Saturday Oct 23, 2021
Barby Ingle is a best-selling author, reality personality, and lives with multiple rare and chronic diseases. Barby is a chronic pain educator, patient advocate, and president of the International Pain Foundation. She is also a motivational speaker and best-selling author on pain topics. Her blog, reality shows and media appearances are used as a platform to help her become an effective patient advocate. She presents at healthcare conferences, speaking publicly, sharing her story, educating and advocating for patients across the globe. She has received more than 25 accommodations over the years for her advocacy work
3 top tips for my audience:
1. Set the expectation through words and actions
2. Learn about your condition so you can ask for help and take on your responsibility
3. Don't get stuck
Barby's Social Media
Blog - http://barbyingle.com/blog
Blog - https://internationalpain.org/pop-blog/
Facebook - www.facebook.com/BarbyIngleOfficial
Facebook - www.facebook.com/iPainFoundation
Instagram – www.instagram.com/kenandbarbyshow
Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/internationalpainfoundation
LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/barbyingle
Twitter - www.twitter.com/BarbyIngle
Twitter - www.twitter.com/PowerofPain
Website – www.barbyingle.com
Website - www.internationalpain.org
YouTube - www.youtube.com/user/barbyallyn
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Thursday Oct 21, 2021
204 Alyssa Stout - Trauma Made Me Do It - The Impact of Trauma on Mind, Body & Soul
Thursday Oct 21, 2021
Thursday Oct 21, 2021
Trauma Made me do it. Believe it or not we all experience some sort of trauma throughout our lifetime. Some of us, like me, may have already experienced it and some of us have not yet. Regardless of what or when, our belief system, reactions, and behaviors are all direct results of these experiences. It’s time to take life back into our own hands by rewiring our brain away from trauma, limiting beliefs, and the standards / stigmas from today's society and moving toward a more aligned lifestyle. One that's validated from our own stories, our own standards, and our own experiences.
It wasn’t until about six months to a year after my trauma that I finally regained consciousness of what my life had come to. Looking into my life I had completely hit rock bottom; addicted to alcohol, drugs, toxicity, and a total adrenaline junkie. I had completely lost control over both my mind and body. Realizing that I was in the midst of rock bottom, I knew that I had to make a change. Allowing myself to finally be vulnerable with myself I learned the beauty behind my mental Illnesses, the power behind my story, the _____ in my truth, and the potential in rock bottom.
3 top tips for my audience:
1. There is no hierarchy of trauma; no trauma is bigger, more impactful, more traumatizing, or worse than another and is not bound by guidelines.
2. Your behaviors, reactions and beliefs are based on your own experiences; So stop seeking validation from others
3. You can not heal what you are not ready to face; stop silencing your truth for the sake of other comfort.
Website: www.unspokenjourneys.com
Instagram: instagram.com/alyssanikaye11
Facebook: Facebook.com/TheUnspokenJourney
Pinterest: Pinterest.com/UnspokenJourneys
Tiktok: tiktok.com/Divine_Journeys
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Tuesday Oct 19, 2021
203 TH Irwin & Jessica Klingbaum - Talking Divorce with the Ex-Experts
Tuesday Oct 19, 2021
Tuesday Oct 19, 2021
Divorce, life, kids and growing into yourself. Divorce sucks, but it’s also an opportunity for a new start, fresh perspective and happiness. In Jessica's and TH's words:
"We’ve lived it, so we get it! My divorce took four long years to complete. Looking inward and moving forward was (and still is!) my mantra and I hope to empower others to do the same.”— T.H. Irwin, exEXPERTS founder
T.H., a former experiential marketing executive for USA Today and Jessica, an Emmy-nominated television producer for programs like “The Early Show” on CBS and “The Nate Berkus Show,” know how to emotionally connect with an audience.
“We have stoooories!” dishes Jessica. “Some are funny, others a bit more serious. Regardless, we keep it real, raw and authentically us 100% of the time.”
Stories that begin with a shocking phone call (within a week of each other) twelve years ago. Jessica was an in-demand TV news producer with two toddlers at home when she found out her husband was cheating - had been for years - throughout her entire pregnancy. T.H. learned of her ex’s secret double life while on the school pick up line.
The mission is to provide women with unbiased information and free support. exEXPERTS encompasses a podcast series with episodes like “What Your Divorce Attorney Doesn’t Want You to Know” and “Fresh Start, Clean Up and Clean Out,” a dedicated website and “What I Wish I Knew” newsletter that offer access to vetted professionals and real life experts— no bull, no hidden fees.
Together, Jessica and T.H. have inside access to hundreds of top-tier professionals and relevant resources they have called upon to offer up free information and answer the hard questions, including “What happens to my health insurance when I get a divorce?” and “What credit score do I need to buy a house or rent an apartment?”
This curated group of experts range from internationally recognized love coach and best-selling author Susan Winter to Certified Divorce Financial Analyst and former FOX Business Network TV anchor Tracy Byrnes, professional organizers NeatFreaks Home and more. They will cover popular divorce topics from kids to wellness in the following categories: myDIVORCE, myWALLET, mySELF, myFAMILY, and mySTUFF.
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