Welcome! Neff Inspiration is the new name for Steps To Sobriety. I am an Anaesthetist, Bestselling Author, Speaker, Show Host and an Alcoholic in recovery. I interview guests that have gone through hell and kept going. I talk to people who have had extraordinary experiences and learn from their lessons. I talk to ordinary people whose perseverance made them superheroes. This show demystifies mental health problems with the help of transparency, authenticity, humility and self-love. My guests and I explore ways how to deal with the daily challenges that life throws at us. Let’s find answers on how to live a life that is so beautiful that yesterday becomes jealous of today!
Thursday Jul 29, 2021
Thursday Jul 29, 2021
Tessa is a Christian transformational coach who helps women live an abundant life, heal from past hurts, and become fearless by using the power of their words and thoughts and understanding their true identity.
In Tessa's words:
You were created for a life of abundance in all areas of your life and you have already been given the key to it. Having lack in your life simply means you haven't found this key on the inside of you YET. Understanding your identity and how to use your words and touch will unleash a power and purpose you can't even imagine right now! Get ready to transform.
3 top tips for my audience:
1. Understand you have a brain, you are not your brain.
2. Start using your words and thoughts for the things you DO want today.
3. Set reminders in your phone to pause and reflect on what you're thinking about.
Find more about Tessa here:
Website: https://www.thevinedresser.com/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thevinedressernz/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thevinedressernz
Tessa has a special offer for my viewers:
I believe we are called to be DOERS not dreamers. so I'd like to offer a 1 month free membership for every woman who listens to the podcast and is ready to create a life she loves and take full responsibility. To get this she will need to reach out to me personally and tell me WHY she is determined that being in the Dreamer to Doer Membership is the right thing for her. More information www.dreamertodoer.com
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Tuesday Jul 27, 2021
Tuesday Jul 27, 2021
In Emile's words:
Throughout my whole life, I had this little voice in my head that always told me I am not good enough or I can't do this. This made making changes in my life almost impossible, the more I tried to change the more I failed, I couldn't understand why can't make changes stick. Until I was in my early to mid 20's I discovered that if I want to make the changes stick, I have to change that little voice, with the help of mentors and coaches I found a way to change that little voice which changed everything else.
I grew up having extremely low self-esteem even though I had the most amazing parents, I always felt lonely in school and around my friends, I had this voice in my head that always told me no one liked me, they only felt sorry for me that is why they kept me around. When I was 24, I discovered where that little voice came from and how it controlled my life. When I changed it, my whole life changed, now I help other people overcome their little voice so they can become their best hero and do what they love.
3 top tips for my audience:
1. Become very conscious of your thoughts and phrases. (write them down)
2. Ask yourself what feeling did that thought triggered?
3. Work on changing your top 3 limiting thoughts and phrases.
Connect with Emile:
Facebook - Emile Matthee
LinkedIn - Emile Matthee
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Saturday Jul 24, 2021
169 Romina Cavagnola: Empowering women through words and the healing power of story
Saturday Jul 24, 2021
Saturday Jul 24, 2021
Romina is a single, co-parenting mother to a 4-year-old adventure seeker. Her journey began some 5 months after the birth of her son, when her marriage ended and she found herself a single mother. The challenges and opportunities presented to her in the subsequent months and years gifted her clarity and growth, and led her to create her business, empowering women to share their soul stories and offer hope and inspiration to others. Romina believes in the healing power of words and our ability to heal ourselves and others through the process of writing and sharing our unique journeys.
Romina Cavagnola has a masters degree in publishing, as well as qualifications in project management, information systems and astronomy. She works with spiritual women in business to draw out and articulate the essence of their message.
Through her company, Alchemy of Alignment™ Publishing, Romina facilitates the writing and publishing of powerful stories. Her independent 1:1 and group book programs are designed to activate self-healing through the writing process.
Romina lives in Sydney with her son and can be found reading, going on "adventures" with her little man, looking at stars, and bursting into song at any given moment.
3 top tips for my audience:
1. Journalling can help you connect with your inner wisdom and your story
2. Challenges are only temporary and are opportunities for growth and alignment
3. Divorce doesn't always look like people expect...it can be done in "good" ways
How to connect with Romina:
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Thursday Jul 22, 2021
168 Lydia Knorr - Creating a life you love by discovering Y.O.U
Thursday Jul 22, 2021
Thursday Jul 22, 2021
Lydia Knorr has over two decades in the health and wellness industry, with the greatest part of her career, working in media. She has combined her passion for well-being and people engagement to provide coaching programs in the areas of personal growth, connection to self and positive change. She helps others get to the heart of what truly matters to them and demonstrates how becoming more of themselves, not less, is exactly what the world needs. Lydia says that honoring our own uniqueness and extending that out into the world is the reason we are all here.
In Lydia's words:
Our personal stories are as unique as a fingerprint. Whether filled with hope, despair, victories, losses, darkness, or light, they are a collection of the lessons we’ve learned, the wisdom we’ve gained, and the growth we’ve experienced. They enable us to connect the dots of our lives, and create a roadmap to see how we arrived at the place we are today. This provides us with a depth of understanding about our own uniqueness that can be used as a gift and a guide for creating a window into our future and making our mark on the world.
3 top tips for my audience:
1. Practice self-awareness and get really honest with yourself about who you are and what you want from this life.
2. Adapt a positive mindset by looking for the silver linings in every situation, even when it’s hard. Ask yourself: What’s good about this situation? What can I learn from it? Is there something about this situation I can be grateful for? Hint: the answer is almost always a resounding YES.
3. Live in alignment with the things you value most, and you will get the most out of living.
Social media and contact info
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Tuesday Jul 20, 2021
Tuesday Jul 20, 2021
Scott has traveled the world for the past 30 years, living in 52 countries, serving in 2 combat tours including the delivery of regional and global projects as a global consultant.
Being a past victim of burnout to the point where he actually died, his journey to recovery helped him develop a personalized growth roadmap entitled TIME | LIFE | SELF which is derived from his life’s lessons learned.
Additionally, Scott offers Leadership Transformation services helping executives and managers recognize their organization’s performance thresholds and how to counter polluted circumstances while reducing stress and burnout.
In Scott's words:
Little did I realize how many directions one’s life could go. As a child, I dreamed of exploring the world over. Serving in 2 combat tours at 18 years old forced me to grow up quicker than others. Experiencing death gave me a different outlook on the value of life.
Promising myself to live my life to the fullest, I sought a life that would keep me moving, learning. Working unthinkable projects in harsh conditions, until I couldn’t. Leading to my death. Why this and the ensuing depression happened is how I created my TIME | LIFE | SELF program.
3 top tips for my audience:
1. Time Management Tips
2. How Life Organization is like a puzzle- can’t keep it all in your head!
3. The Self Connection Cycle: Consciousness ➔Mindfulness ➔Meditation
Check out Scott's website: www.scottjspears.com
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/time_life_self/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TIMELIFESELF
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Monday Jul 19, 2021
Monday Jul 19, 2021
In the 1980s, Craig Brown, Author of Stop Hiding Start Healing, lived the high life. He worked for one of the biggest cocaine dealers on the east coast and partied with music moguls and professional athletes while self-medicating on drugs and alcohol.
Brown is now walking in his God-given purpose and has led thousands of others to freedom as a Recovery Pastor in the Washington, D.C. area. He has helped countless families find wholeness and healing for their loved ones struggling with pain and shame. Today, in the midst of an opioid epidemic, mental health crisis, and a pandemic, Brown felt the call of God to share his story and vast knowledge of recovery with as many people as possible.
Brown’s message could not be more timely. In 2019, nearly 50,000 Americans died from opioid overdoses. In 2017, 1.7 million people suffered from substance abuse disorders related to opioids. Unfortunately, drug abuse has a stigma that prevents many from getting the help they need, and family members are often at a loss with how to assist in the road to recovery. According to Brown, most seek help because of their pain, not their addiction. Brown shares life-saving counsel to Christians and communities grappling with these mental health issues.
Brief Bio (100 words max.) Please make it well crafted and concise.
Craig is a public speaker and author, as well as the Recovery Pastor and Director at Church of the Redeemer in Gaithersburg, MD, since 1999. In his 20+ years as a Recovery Pastor, he has helped thousands of people, including business owners and professional leaders, to find the healing and freedom from shame in Christ that delivers us from pain, guilt, and shame. He is a former radio Local Sales Manager at Salem Communications WAVA 105.1 FM. Craig lives in the Washington DC area with his wife and three sons.
Follow him on Facebook @CraigBrownStopHidingStartHealing and LinkedIn at CraigBrown33.
3 top tips for my audience:
1. Why Christians Hide or Wear a Mask to Cover Their Pain
2. How to Create a New Past On Your Road to Recovery
3. How to Set Healthy Boundaries that Protect the Healing Process
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Sunday Jul 18, 2021
Sunday Jul 18, 2021
There are few books that have shocked me as much as Gloria Masters' "On Angels' Wings: My flight from trauma to grace". This extraordinary powerful story of Gloria’s journey from darkness into light is one of hope, resilience and the unrelenting power of the human spirit to survive
In June 1960, in middle-class suburban New Zealand, a child was born into sex slavery. For the first sixteen years of her life, Gloria suffered horrendous sexual, physical and psychological abuse at the hands of her father, with no one to protect her. From the underworld of her father’s paedophile ring to the groups he trafficked her to, she found an inner strength and light, that kept her mind from being destroyed.
This is Gloria Masters first book, simply because it was time for the truth to be revealed. A mother herself, her career includes teaching, therapy and business consulting. She regularly blogs on Gloriamasters.com. with focus on hope, love and joy and follows her Angels wherever they lead her.
3 top tips for my audience:
1. There is always hope
2. The Shame never belonged to you
3. You are not alone
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Tuesday Jul 13, 2021
164 Laurell Eden - Busting the BIG FAT LIE So You Can Lose Weight For Good
Tuesday Jul 13, 2021
Tuesday Jul 13, 2021
Laurell Eden is a pioneering health and weight loss coach for mind and body. After learning cutting-edge food hacks that can kickstart metabolism, she lost 20 pounds off her own body in just 7 weeks and 5 inches off her waist overall. Laurell teaches her clients these same techniques so they can lose up to 30 pounds in the first 10 weeks and finally learn to lose weight for good. Participants in her 12 week program experience a boost in energy levels, relief from sugar cravings, brain fog and joint pain. Some have gotten off blood pressure and diabetes medicine.
In Laurell's words:
Ever wonder why diets fail? Or why so many dieters gain even more weight back? There's a fundamental misperception that keeps us fat and sick. When it comes to real-life weight loss, the concept of calories is a BIG FAT LIE. We think that 100 calories of roasted beets or guacamole or baked potato will behave the same way metabolically in our bodies, and that a calorie is a calorie. This is completely false. Eating certain foods consistently will force the body to store fat. To lose weight for good, you have to know which foods don't contribute to weight gain.
3 top tips for my audience:
1. Eat foods that have a low GI rating. Here's why: Sugar isn't fattening because of calories. Sugar is fattening because it damages your metabolism.
2. Eat only foods with a GI rating of 16 and under for 5 weeks. When you eat these foods you can eat until your stomach feels full which makes it super easy to lose weight. You don't have to be hungry!
3. If you stop eating sugar and fast acting carbohydrates for two weeks, sugar cravings disappear. Sugar cravings are NOT caused by a personal failing or lack of will power. They are biologically driven! When the body knows sugar is available, you will crave it. if you stop eating it, it's proven that the cravings diminish. This is what all my clients experience.
Laurell's Social media and Contact Info.
Website: BodyUpCoaching,com
Facebook: facebook.com/LaurellEden
Twitter and Instagram: @LaurellEden and @bodyupcoaching
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Monday Jul 12, 2021
163 Jobe Neal: Thriving in business after a serious gambling addiction
Monday Jul 12, 2021
Monday Jul 12, 2021
Jobe is a former gambling addict who had lost upwards of $30K to online poker before he was 20, from there he channelled that energy into multiple eCommerce businesses and now his own marketing agency.
He is the owner of Bespoke Suited Marketing which helps coaches and consultants to launch and promote their own courses, his mission is to help other people to positively impact and contribute to the world.
3 top tips for my audience:
1. You can’t quit cold turkey without something to channel the same energy into
2. You have to understand what drove you to that addiction, the root problem
3. You need to find ways to make it less accessible, build your environment in a way that makes it difficult to go back
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Monday Jul 12, 2021
Monday Jul 12, 2021
What inspired Wendy Rose Williams to move from a conservative career as an MBA to become a Past Life Adventure Guide? How did a profound encounter with a ghost that lasted over twenty years combine with Wendy’s two NDEs culminate in meeting the man who would wake her up spiritually? What happened during Wendy’s own past-life regression sessions as the client that would motivate her training with Dr. Brian Weiss (“Many Lives, Many Masters”) and other leaders in the field to be able to help others release the energy that doesn’t serve them?
Wendy Rose Williams had two Near-Death Experiences (NDEs) while pregnant. She met her Angels for the first time while home alone when an organ ruptured. Meeting the soul mate Wendy contracted with to 'wake her up spiritually' led to Dr. Michael Newton’s 'Journey of Souls.’ These events in tandem triggered a rapid and profound spiritual awakening. The remarkable difference in Wendy's quality of life from healing her own past lives inspired her to serve others as an energy healer. Wendy is a Certified Spiritual Teacher as well as Reiki Master, author and speaker.
3 top tips for my audience:
1. We can all discover and do our best to live our life purpose
2. Having a daily spiritual practice such as meditation can immeasurably improve your life!
3. Learning how to ground and clear your energy and to be sovereign in your own beautiful energy is a game-changer
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