Welcome! Neff Inspiration is the new name for Steps To Sobriety. I am an Anaesthetist, Bestselling Author, Speaker, Show Host and an Alcoholic in recovery. I interview guests that have gone through hell and kept going. I talk to people who have had extraordinary experiences and learn from their lessons. I talk to ordinary people whose perseverance made them superheroes. This show demystifies mental health problems with the help of transparency, authenticity, humility and self-love. My guests and I explore ways how to deal with the daily challenges that life throws at us. Let’s find answers on how to live a life that is so beautiful that yesterday becomes jealous of today!
Sunday Jan 31, 2021
121 Avishkar Sabharwal - Obesity, is it really your fault?
Sunday Jan 31, 2021
Sunday Jan 31, 2021
Dr. Avishkar Sabharwal, M.D., Dipl. ABOM, Dipl. ABLM has trained in Internal Medicine both in India and the US, and is board certified in Obesity Medicine and Lifestyle Medicine. His focus area has always been lifestyle diseases, especially obesity. His experience in India made him profoundly interested in the effects of nutrition on health and disease. He researched metabolic syndrome, which is often the outcome of obesity, during his MD in India. Dr. Sabharwal is a member of the Obesity Medicine Association wherein he has been actively involved in the Speaker’s Bureau Committee. He is also a member of the Lipid Association of India and has been a speaker at various webinars throughout the country, highlighting the importance of recognizing obesity and metabolic syndrome in cardiovascular health.
Avishkar's top 3 tips
1. What are hyper-palatable foods and how they work against us
2. The existence of weight bias in the society
3. How to tackle obesity
podcast: Decoding Obesity where I share evidence based information on Obesity and weight loss
Website: www.decodingobesity.com
Facebook page: www.facebook.com/doctorsabharwal
twitter page: www.twitter/doctorsabharwal
Instagram page: www.instagram.com/doctorsabharwal
LinkedIn page: https://www.linkedin.com/in/avishkar-sabharwal-m-d-dipl-abom-1ab85491/
If you want learn more about living a fantastic life after alcohol, check out my book!
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Sunday Jan 17, 2021
Sunday Jan 17, 2021
Do you ever talk yourself out of the dreams that you have or the goals that you set for yourself? Do you struggle to trust yourself or second guess the decisions that you make? Do you find yourself sabotaging yourself again and again no matter how many times you think this time will be different? If you're like many of the hundreds of women I’ve coached over the past 13 years, let me reassure you that there’s nothing wrong with you. It’s actually the programming in your subconscious mind that needs a reboot.
Keegan White is a Mindset Coach who teaches heart-centered women in business how to overcome self-doubt so that they can make more money and have a bigger impact. Combining her experience in long term recovery from drugs and alcohol, meditation and mindfulness trainings, she is an expert on women’s inner dialogue, reprogramming the brain, and overall well-being.
Keegan's 3 top tips:
1. The importance of learning to trust yourself after active addiction no matter what phase of recovery you are in.
2. The key to unlocking your ability to stop struggling and second guessing yourself lies in your subconscious mind and that once you shift your core belief about yourself anything is possible.
3. That negative voice in your head is a part of you but not the whole sum of you.
Are you ready to learn how to silence self-doubt?
Get access to a free, 10-minute video training: “5 Simple Steps to Silencing Self-Doubt.”
Learn the 5 step process in our FREE Video that will kick self-doubt, procrastination, and perfectionism to the curb.
Click the link to get your FREE video. https://keeganwhite.lpages.co/silenceselfdoubt/
If you want learn more about living a fantastic life after alcohol, check out my book!
And follow me on Instagram, YouTube and Facebook!
Friday Jan 15, 2021
Friday Jan 15, 2021
Rish is a stoic in heart. Always trying to find ways to learn and live by 4 pillars of stoicism. Wisdom, Courage, Justice and temperance. He sees death as a motivation to do good, be good and see good. He passionately believes that if one can understand that, in our life, next second is not promised, we will be able to have better perspective of life and others. His mission in life is to serve boys, men and dad. He launched a podcast called Dads And Deadlifts to help MEN overcome their shame and guilt and accept the authentic version of themselves instead of putting a tough face that leads to addiction and other negative behaviors.
Rish had been researching this subject talking to various experts from coaches, psychiatrists, psychologists, scientists, Social Case Workers, Counselors, Doctors and survivors and victims to understand the root cause of domestic violence, addiction, depression and anxiety.
Through his platform he wants to create a safe platform for MEN to express themselves without being judged and shamed and create a healthy community to help them embrace their authentic self.
Rish is also creating his MAN UP program to help MEN and DADS find their true self through lifestyle change.
Rish is also launching SuperDAD 30 program. It is a course to help dads to connect with their kids through various activities. He is writing a book on this specific topic MAN UP where he walks the
readers through his process and have them use the worksheets that he uses in his coaching program.
He is a dad of a handsome 2.5 year old and loves playing and doing things with his son in his pastime. He is an avid reader and a selfimprovement nerd. Few of his favorite things are
Crossfit, Reading, Hiking, Travelling, Meditation, Visualization, Biohacking, Life Hacking, Speaking on stages to empower boys and men.
Facebook: Dads-And-Deadlifts
Instagram: dads_and_deadlifts
Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/ph/podcast/dads-and-deadlifts/id1524174309
If you want learn more about living a fantastic life after alcohol, check out my book!
And follow me on Instagram, YouTube and Facebook!
Thursday Jan 14, 2021
118 Skip Mondragon - Even tough guys get depressed
Thursday Jan 14, 2021
Thursday Jan 14, 2021
Lights out, blinds drawn, door locked, phone off, I curled up in a fetal position under the desk in my office. I kept asking myself, “Skip, what are you doing? How did you get here?” I thought, “What happened? I’m a tough guy. I’ve been in the Army 25 years, I’m a Colonel, physician, deployed 30 months in combat zones, and endured many hardships. I’m a National Wrestling Champion. I’m tough!” Over the next four hours, I wrestled with these questions. Utterly broken, I finally admitted, “Skip, you’re depressed, go get some help!” April 17, 2014 was a new start.
Donald G. “Skip” Mondragon, MD, graduated from the Oral Roberts University School of Medicine and completed a residency in Internal Medicine at the Northeast Ohio University College of Medicine Affiliated Hospitals in Canton, Ohio. Colonel Mondragon is a twenty-six-year Army veteran, spent thirty months in combat zones, and is a National Veterans Wrestling Champion. Skip became a casualty of depression and as he recovered, was called to advocate for men struggling with this dark disease by speaking and writing. He is the author of Wrestling Depression Is Not For Wimps! Skip and his wife, Sherry, reside in Midlothian, Texas.
Skip's 3 top tips:
1. Even tough guys get depressed! You’re not a wimp if you ask for help.
2. We all need a strong support system of family, friends, and faith.
3. God can take your mess and transform it into your message.
Skip can be reached on FB and Twitter @SkipWNW and through his website at www.wrestlingisnotforwimps.com
You can find his book on Google, Barnes and Noble, and on Amazon at www.amazon.com/author/skipmondragon
If you want learn more about living a fantastic life after alcohol, check out my book!
And follow me on Instagram, YouTube and Facebook!
Tuesday Jan 12, 2021
117 Lisa Berry - Menopause: a pause in the hormone debate
Tuesday Jan 12, 2021
Tuesday Jan 12, 2021
International show host, podcast producer and trainer creating global conscious
conversations Lisa herself is an international best selling published author with
a background in holistic nutrition and life coaching. Lisa breathes life into
the dreams of her listener, guests and clients with her enthusiasm and positive
mindset and excels in her Lightworker’s role as she helps them to turn their
content and books into podcasts and helps them express their message vibrantly
and energetically.
Lisa is a Councillor and Founding Faculty member of IAUSM, Academy Of
Universal Self Mastery, and together with business partner and co-author Tamas
Garza leads the IAUSM Media Department. With a desire for wellness for all as
her guiding star Lisa recognizes her passion position is to find, help and connect
with those who need and want to shine.
If you want learn more about living a fantastic life after alcohol, check out my book!
And follow me on Instagram, YouTube and Facebook!
Monday Jan 11, 2021
116 Martha Lewis - Sleep For Recovery: 3 Hidden Causes of Insomnia
Monday Jan 11, 2021
Monday Jan 11, 2021
Martha Lewis is a sleep consultant to health-conscious, high achievers who want to sleep but can’t. With multiple sleep certifications, an MS in holistic nutrition and as an expert on gut health, she addresses both body and mind with stress resilience techniques and testing for underlying health issues to get to the root cause of her clients’ insomnia. She has been featured in numerous publications, such as Thrive Global and Swanwick Sleep, and various podcasts around the world and is also a passionate speaker on the topic of sleep.
In Martha's words:
If you struggle to get a good night’s sleep and you’ve tried everything you know to do, there’s something going on in your body that is keeping you awake at night. Alcoholism and insomnia are both signs that your body is way out of balance. The good news is that you are meant to sleep well. You can find out what’s causing your insomnia in both your body and your mind so you can get the sleep you need to heal and recover.
Feel free to download a copy of my free ebook “5 Little-Known Reasons High Achievers Can’t Sleep (and how to fix it)” from my website www.TheCompleteSleepSolution.com.
If you want learn more about living a fantastic life after alcohol, check out my book!
And follow me on Instagram, YouTube and Facebook!
Sunday Jan 10, 2021
Sunday Jan 10, 2021
I’m Na’Kole Watson, The Life Snatcher, a certified suicide prevention specialist and proud life survivor. I supply prevention resources, tools and strategies to influencers, community allies and people wrestling with suicide ideation. As a village, we deliver the support and guidance that those who are suffering need to save themselves and live a life free of unresolved pain and hopelessness.
Sometimes our thoughts push us further in life. Other times, they hold us back. But sometimes, they try to kill us. Join us as we discuss the truth about how destructive our thoughts can be. Step into the mind of a woman who has survived multiple attempts to end her life, and learn how to conquer destructive thoughts before they conquer you!
Na'Kole's 3 top tips:
1. Break the stigma in your mind about your mental health journey
2. Stand up for yourself and don't allow people to say demeaning things to you in regards to your mental health journey
3. Find a stable and secure middle ground between not wanting to live and not wanting to die so that you can go on to live a life you may have never thought possible
Na'Kole's offer is The Ultimate Suicide Prevention Guide. It’s available at .
If you want learn more about living a fantastic life after alcohol, check out my book!
And follow me on Instagram, YouTube and Facebook!
Saturday Jan 09, 2021
114 Tomas Garza - The art and practice of showing up for yourself
Saturday Jan 09, 2021
Saturday Jan 09, 2021
Tomás Garza used to be an expert at not listening to himself. In a decades-long series of toxic career moves, he suffered and routinely failed to show up as a fully authentic human.
A violent car accident in 2013 changed everything. From hospitalization to learning to walk again to navigating a whole new field of career possibilities, Tomás has learned some critical lessons about truly showing up for yourself.
These days Tomás is a Meditation Instructor, Author, Media Producer and Host of the podcast “Decide to Transform.” He invites you to embark on the journey of self mastery by showing up for yourself.
Tomás' 3 top tips:
- A successful meditation can be as short as one breath.
- Every moment of every day we make a decision. Choose for your Self.
- Life is a playground--if you allow it to be.
Email: tomas@tomasgarza.com
Facebook: Tomás Garza
If you want learn more about living a fantastic life after alcohol, check out my book!
And follow me on Instagram, YouTube and Facebook!
Friday Jan 08, 2021
Friday Jan 08, 2021
With 11 years of experience working with teenagers in recovery at MaryHaven Drug and Alcohol Treatment Center, Jennifer Belému brings a unique and vital perspective to Heartland High School as Student Engagement Coordinator.
Most importantly, however, she is a living example of thriving in recovery. Jen's passion for healthy, productive and meaningful personal growth is evidenced in everything she has done over the last 21 years in sobriety. Jen is committed to supporting students' recovery process through diverse avenues such as nutrition education, therapeutic community development, and positive social activities.
IG: recovery_coach_jen
FB: Jennifer Prince Belému
Email: jbelemu@gmail.com
@HappyGutsWithBurpsAndBubbles On Facebook
If you want learn more about living a fantastic life after alcohol, check out my book!
And follow me on Instagram, YouTube and Facebook!
Thursday Jan 07, 2021
Thursday Jan 07, 2021
In Bernadette's words
We hide our true self many times. Hiding through bad behaviour, bad words which hurts others and ourselves, addiction on different levels even through crime? But what if: we have not to hide anything from us not even from yourself?
What if...be simply yourself would be a key for true sobriety?
The creative all-rounder worked successfully in different working fields in Austria and abroad. By her interest in corporate communications, marketing, human resources and many other areas of business, she has appropriated an enormous amount of knowledge more than 35 years.
Internationally active as holistic trainer in health, nutrition and mental health with exceptional holistic resilience methods. Founder of „iMM – intuitive mentoring method and 1-min-coaching-to-go“, a further development of NLP, as well as „ORINITION® - n(fl)ourish soul.mind.body.“ – an innovative nutrition work of (re-) membering our own body intelligence.
Master’s degree in health management with focus on public health. International PhD & research in the fields of health communication with focus on neuro/psycho linguistics combined with neuroplasticity and health economics.
Global Author Award 2018 / Nominatee NLP Award in Research 2019 in London.
http://www.firstaidsoul.com/ - my book serie
The other book about the addiction-no addiction-method will be released in 2021!
My current book “disrupt everything and how beLIEves shape our world” will be released in September 2020!
If you want learn more about living a fantastic life after alcohol, check out my book!
And follow me on Instagram, YouTube and Facebook!