Welcome! Neff Inspiration is the new name for Steps To Sobriety. I am an Anaesthetist, Bestselling Author, Speaker, Show Host and an Alcoholic in recovery. I interview guests that have gone through hell and kept going. I talk to people who have had extraordinary experiences and learn from their lessons. I talk to ordinary people whose perseverance made them superheroes. This show demystifies mental health problems with the help of transparency, authenticity, humility and self-love. My guests and I explore ways how to deal with the daily challenges that life throws at us. Let’s find answers on how to live a life that is so beautiful that yesterday becomes jealous of today!
Tuesday Sep 29, 2020
Tuesday Sep 29, 2020
More and more often our teenage girls are choosing unhealthy ways to deal with everyday stress, including drugs, alcohol, risky sexual behaviour, hiding behind social media and the list continues.
If you are looking for creative ways to help build resilience in your daughter and feel confident that she can face any hardship by drawing on healthy tools and her own inner wisdom then you don't want to miss this episode.
Illanith Benjamin has been helping mothers overcome the challenges of this stage by drawing on techniques from yoga, mindfulness, stress-based resiliency and inner shadow work to help mothers and daughters build their dream relationship.
Illanith Benjamin helps mothers of teenage daughters create more profound relationships with each other.
Her Passion is connecting mothers to a loving space within themselves, using techniques from yoga, meditation and conscious parenting to help them let go of what no longer serves them. The result is more self confident and aware mothers.
They are then better able to model these traits for their daughter and form a more connected relationship, raising a more self-confident resilient and compassionate generation to come.
If you want to get hold of Illanith:
See what it is like to be coached by Illanith. Try your first hour FREE!
Join our Free Global Facebook Group for Mindful Mothers where you can meet other moms of teen girls, gain insights, and share experiences.
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Tuesday Sep 29, 2020
81 Dawn Bates - When was the last time you had your molecules shaken?
Tuesday Sep 29, 2020
Tuesday Sep 29, 2020
In Dawn's words:
Truth and freedom have many levels to them. Depending on how honest we are with ourselves will depend on how our lives turn out. Our deepest darkest secrets, the truths we are afraid of, are the ones which will ultimately set us free, free from ill health, depression and free from need.
Nothing happens to us, which means everything happens for us. Depression is a choice, and so is dependency on alcohol, drugs, food, sex, and exercise. Addiction is addiction, and many are addicted to addiction.
Sound harsh? Well join us to find out just how true all this is.
Dawn Bates is a serial entrepreneur, business strategist, global thought leader and author coach. Author of The Trilogy of Life Itself, which includes first-hand accounts of living in Egypt during the turbulent Uprising and fighting back against Police Scotland in two unbelievable court cases. The trilogy exposes and challenges social stereotypes across various subjects including, but not limited to single parenting, racism, cultural diversity and religion.
Dawn’s writing is honest, frank and engaging, bringing humour and powerful insights to all who read it. She’s also the author of a plethora of articles for various global publications covering a multitude of subjects.
Dawn's top 3 issues:
1. Mirror work
2. Purging through writing
3. Giggle and Grow
If you want to find out more about Dawn, head over to her web site: https://dawnbates.com
If you want learn more about living a fantastic life after alcohol, check out my book!
And follow me on Instagram, YouTube and Facebook!
Wednesday Sep 23, 2020
80 Amy Watson - PTSD, Jesus & Me: My story of Hope, healing and redemption
Wednesday Sep 23, 2020
Wednesday Sep 23, 2020
There is much stigma to mental health issues in America and around the world. It is, perhaps, the most overlooked healthcare issue in society today. However, when we choose to address it and surround ourselves with people who refuse to let us ignore it, there IS healing and there IS Hope.
I am a Florida girl who loves a simple life, Jesus, family, friends, football, and the beach. I am a native of Jacksonville, Florida, but have spent most of my adult life on Florida’s west coast.
I grew up in a children’s home, graduated from Clearwater Christian College w (Biology 1994) and earned an MBA in 2002.. I am a trauma survivor of childhood abuse and domestic violence. By the time I got help, I’d survived 35 years of trauma.
I love both the written and spoken word, and enjoy opportunities to share my experiences and the faithfulness of God. My greatest desire is to invest my life in something that will outlive it.
There are 3 reasons I am here to even do this interview and they are all important
1. Church/Christ
2. Community
3. Counseling (Trauma Informed)
If people need trauma help, perhaps my podcast can help. Wednesdays With Watson is everywhere and on my website amywatsonauthor.com
Don't miss another episode. Subscribe to this podcast.
If you want learn more about living a fantastic life after alcohol, check out my book!
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Tuesday Sep 22, 2020
79 Mary Buffington - When self-care isn’t working against burnout
Tuesday Sep 22, 2020
Tuesday Sep 22, 2020
If you have ever been in burnout due to work, you have probably heard the old adage “Do more self-care.” But what do you do when self-care is not working? Today we are going to look at other factors that feed into inner resilience to help you deal with the stress at work and beyond.
Mary Buffington is a registered nurse and life coach. She is the founder of the Burnout Ward and offers coaching to nurses who are in burnout. She helps nurses stop wasting money on “burnout bandaids” so they can actually create the careers and lives they love.
Mary's top 3 tips:
1. Self-preservation is not self-care.
2. Resiliency is not a constant state and requires commitment.
3. Inner resilience is something you can learn.
Don't miss another episode. Subscribe to this podcast.
If you want learn more about living a fantastic life after alcohol, check out my book!
And follow me on Instagram, YouTube and Facebook!
Tuesday Sep 22, 2020
78 Jessica Sikora - Music Saved My Life - Here’s What I’m Doing About It Today
Tuesday Sep 22, 2020
Tuesday Sep 22, 2020
Jessica Sikora founded SUPERBANDS in 2014, which became the catalyst to push her to make a difference in the stigma of the youth mental health crisis. Her hope for this organization is to create a global phenomenon, shedding light on the resilience and strength that lies within all of us.
Jessica Sikora believes in the power that music has to saves lives. After all, it did for her throughout her own struggles with depression and suicide at such a young age. She strives to build up the combined power of music and hope to fuel the community that she once longed for.
Jessica's 3 top tips:
1. The youth mental health (and bullying) crisis is growing, finding outlets through music can help young people who struggle.
2. Anyone can start a nonprofit (or business) even with no business background. Passion can fuel you and do so much to get you to where you want to be
3. SUPERBANDS is like the Make A Wish Foundation for teens struggling with bullying and depression with a music/pop culture twist! Let’s make wishes come true.
Don't miss another episode. Subscribe to this podcast.
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Tuesday Sep 22, 2020
77 Linda Krauss Barnett - Reboot Your Life: Bring Back Your Spark
Tuesday Sep 22, 2020
Tuesday Sep 22, 2020
In Linda's words:
Have you ever felt like you were stuck in a loop of fear and failure?
Have you ever looked in the mirror and felt like a stranger was staring back at you?
You are not able to see your limitless potential when you are focused on your limiting beliefs.
Over the course of the last 4 years I have developed an easy 3 step process to help you Reboot Your Life and Bring Back Your Spark.
You can always reinvent yourself and become the best version of yourself.
I am the proud author of my debut book REBOOT YOUR LIFE. I began my career in the Motion Picture Industry where I worked in New York, Miami, and Los Angeles. I spent over a decade as an elementary educator where my passion for teaching was sparked. After a full life reboot of my own, I am now living out all of my dreams and unlocking more of my potential each day. I am a co-host and co-producer of a TV show called SOUL SEEKERS TV with my partner in crime Patricia Ribeiro Wolfson. I am a thought leader for mothers who are looking to live out their personal dreams in harmony with motherhood. My purpose is to ignite a movement of mothers who learn the power of Self Love.
Linda's 3 top tips
1. When you are spinning - turn off and wait- then turn it back on and reboot
2. Upgrade your energetic system through self love
3. Reinvent yourself at any age and in any phase
If you want to know more about Linda's work:
An introductory course to introduce you to the fundamental principles of the REBOOT process. This course is designed to kickstart your momentum and unlock your limitless potential.
This intensive 12-week course designed to identify and reprogram limiting beliefs. Release limiting beliefs, take inspired action, and activate your full potential.
Don't miss another episode. Subscribe to this podcast.
If you want learn more about living a fantastic life after alcohol, check out my book!
And follow me on Instagram, YouTube and Facebook!
Tuesday Sep 22, 2020
Tuesday Sep 22, 2020
Michelle Lange is the Perfect Daughter of an alcoholic parent. In turn she spends each day controlling the urge to want a drink and not become her father.In Michelle's words:
I have learned that I must function perfectly in order to avoid unpleasant situations. I enjoy controlled chaos because I function best in a chaotic environment. I do everything at 100%.
I am a proud mother of 2 children and partner to my better half, Jason. I am the athletic director of the Thames Valley Regional Athletic Association and I own my own Social Media freelance business. I am innovative and motivated with vast experience creating content and managing the online presence of small businesses. I have a passion for engaging, inspiring, and informing the community through social media platforms which results in an active community of followers. I have an overarching passion for women in athletics and advocating for youth in sport.
Michelle's 3 top insights:
1. I overwork b/c I thrive in controlled chaos. I get more done that most people in a 24 hour period
2. Trauma in my childhood has made it so that I have difficulty with true intimacy, I struggle to control my drinking (very good at functioning), and I feel that I lack necessary skills as a parent even though I had the best mother anyone could ask for.
3. Daughters of alcoholic fathers tend to lie when they don’t need to. I am not sure why. But I do this…. and for no reason. I like to think of it more like embellishing facts…..I make a great storyteller sometimes…. but it’s not necessary.
Don't miss another episode. Subscribe to this podcast.
If you want learn more about living a fantastic life after alcohol, check out my book!
And follow me on Instagram, YouTube and Facebook!
Tuesday Sep 22, 2020
75 Stefan Neff - Stepping Out Of The Darkness & Into The Light Of Sober Living
Tuesday Sep 22, 2020
Tuesday Sep 22, 2020
The world has been hit with major uncertainty especially addictive behavioural issues. I have witnessed the attendance of my SMART Recovery meeting increase from 5 people to 25. People are filled with fear, frustration, mental health issues. The common factor has been losing their jobs, boredom, relationships just to name a few. The good news is that people are starting to accept what they can't control or change in the world but they know that they can change the way they feel, think and behave when it comes to their addictions. I have seen a massive shift with mindset after learning the SMART Recovery's tools and tips that I train to those who are taking action. They know now that the problem in their life can be changed with practice, patience and persistence.
Stefan Neff had been living with addictive behaviours from the age of 12 until 46 years of age, after releasing his addictions in 2016 he found himself struggling time to time with urges even though he had released addiction on his own, then life changed after a good friend introduced him to the power of choice with SMART Recovery.
After going to his first SMART meeting in 2018 Stefan fell in love with the science aspect that the facilitator was speaking about. He knew right then and there that this is something that he wanted to be part of.
A few weeks later he found himself online taking the facilitators training to become part of a team with SMART Recovery. Stefan added the role of regional coordinator in British Columbia Canada guiding 175 facilitators in my Canadian province.
Stefan's 3 top tips:
1. ABC’s tool that will change the way people feel, think and behave in life.
2. One of the most powerful processes that helps me with self-acceptance was the mirror exercise.
3. The power of choice is Key to sobriety. I know that I am largely responsible for my addictive behaviour. I know that there is nothing wrong with me, I just had an unwanted belief about my self-worth as a person.
Don't miss another episode. Subscribe to this podcast.
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Friday Sep 18, 2020
Friday Sep 18, 2020
You have cancer. Oh, but there is more. Having always been an overachiever, I had not one cancer but two – Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma and Multiple Myeloma. Yep, I did not know you could get two cancers at the same time either! It’s even rarer to get the two I had. I am a part of the lucky 1%! Like most people you start examining your lifestyle – obesity, stress levels, food etc.… My husband was convinced it was the stress of the job. So, on one of my weak days, he made me promise to retire. Since that day, I love what I do, I love what I do, has been on loop in my head. I cannot imagine not getting up daily to make the world a better place through my work. Plus, I have so much knowledge in my head that can help others. Hence, the brainchild Supporting World Hope was developed. What if I could help fill in the gap for those small nonprofits who do not have access to a National office?
Having been a CEO of a nonprofit for the last 15 years and working through the ranks from program delivery to operations I experienced all levels of what it takes to run a great nonprofit. I swear on one day I went from cleaning a toilet to being flown in a private plan to visit the board of a major foundation. It’s all in a day’s work, right? And yes, we received the grant from the foundation. I digress, because of this experience I believe that if you focus on supporting the CEOs & the Board of Directors and developing the program staff organizations can stay razor sharp on their mission. Thus, changing the world and giving people hope. Hence the name Supporting World Hope!
I’m a cancer survivor who promised her husband to take it slow, but I have a passion for nonprofit work.
Sabrina Walker Hernandez is the President & CEO of Supporting World Hope. She has over 25 years of experience in nonprofit management, fundraising and leadership. One of Sabrina’s greatest successes is that she increased operation revenue from $750,000 to 2.5 million over an 8-year period as well as being responsible for the planning and operations of a $12 million comprehensive capital campaign. She has facilitated numerous workshops with hundreds of nonprofit professionals. Sabrina is certified in Nonprofit Management by Harvard Business School.
She currently serves on the Board of Directors for Village in Valley, Edinburg Rotary, FEMCity of the RGV, and Edinburg Economic Development Corporation.
Sabrina's 3 top tips:
- A different way to look at your journey - what was it preparing you for?
- The joy of giving back
- Faith over Fear
If you want to learn more about Sabrina:
Don't miss another episode. Subscribe to this podcast.
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Tuesday Sep 15, 2020
Tuesday Sep 15, 2020
Nefertiti San Miguel is an international mixed media artist, Ikebana practitioner, metalsmith and jewelry designer, performer, balloon twister, cultural diversity advocate and trailblazer who have long been raising eyebrows in many different industries. She is the founder of Etnia Fusion and Aeolus Balloon Art. With a reputation for rocking her Gothic style with a hint of badassery, she currently resides in Boston (MA) and lives it up as if the world is coming to an end soon – virus apocalypse or not!
In this video Nefertiti and I explore how Ikebana (Japanese Arts of Floral Design) and other performing arts have allowed Nefertiti to face the challenges the world has thrown at her. We look at what it takes to not just survive but thrive, even when Covid19 turns ones world upside down.
If you want to find out more about Nefertiti, go to her website
Gift offer to the listeners of this program: an introductory session to Ikebana as Healing Arts and Stress Management Tool for a more peaceful living. Find out how to unleash your creativity.
Send email to: etnia.fusion@yahoo.com and write in the subject line: “MY STEPS TO SOBRIETY” to receive a private link to the access the material as the content is not available to the general public.
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